The Zeitgeist | 2.5.2019

This is our feature of the 10 most on-Narrative (i.e. interconnected, highly similar) stories in financial media. It’s not a list of best articles, or articles we think are most interesting, or articles we agree with. But if you’re going to read 5-10 stories when you start your day, these are the ones that are most connected to the financial news that got published today.

Broker Numis blames Brexit for paralysed deals

Is BlackRock set to revive annuities? (Ed Note: Not if Ken Fisher has anything to say about it!)

People don’t trust blockchain systems – is regulation a way to help?

10 Mind-Numbing Figures That Define PG&E’s Bankruptcy Sean Williams | Feb 5, 2019

To Avoid a Recession, Start Spending Now

Hellman’s $11 Billion Bid Shows PE Firms’ Megadeal Hunger

Most shoppers worry about buying groceries online. But delivery in the US is set to ‘explode’

Brexit puts Nissan’s UK future at risk but many car industry workers still want to leave EU

90% LTV mortgages

Buffett’s Betas

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The Daily Zeitgeist

ET Zeitgeist: Raccoons Never Sleep

By Ben Hunt | May 28, 2021 | 5 Comments

Lemonade (LMND) isn’t just an insurance company. No, no … they’re an AI Company! ™.

Plus Chamath is up to his old tricks.

I hate raccoons.

Inflation as Ad Campaign

By Ben Hunt | May 24, 2021 | 0 Comments

An ET Pack member sent me this. Anyone else come across ads that directly call out inflation expectations? Would love to collect more screenshots like…

Many People Are Saying … Bitcoin is Art

By Ben Hunt | May 24, 2021 | 0 Comments

The Bitcoin Is Art thesis that I put out back in 2015 (The Effete Rebellion of Bitcoin) and recently put forward again (In Praise of…

The ANDs of Asylum

By Rusty Guinn | June 23, 2019 | 1 Comment

In the midst of a complicated issue, an article from a small regional outlet manages to remind us of the power of AND in storytelling and connecting the understanding of those across the widening gyre.

Zeitgeist Narrative Map – Week of June 16 in Review

By Rusty Guinn | June 22, 2019 | 0 Comments

This is our graph of the narrative structure of the last full week in financial markets news.

That Time I Bought Blockbuster Debt

By Ben Hunt | June 20, 2019 | 0 Comments

Management is not lying to you. It’s probably a really good turn-around plan. It could probably work out fine … IF they are given enough time. But they won’t be. Particularly when it’s the second turn-around plan.

Secularly declining companies ALWAYS run out of time.

It was one of the most expensive lessons of my investing career. And worth every penny.


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