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Cursed Knowledge is our podcast that explores how narratives, for better and worse, have shaped our world without us noticing. The world is full of people pushing their version of reality on us and it’s time to expose the truth. No matter how much you might wish we hadn’t.
We know that Hollywood is a multibillion dollar industry that shows no signs of slowing anytime soon. So then why do so many studios report that their movies failed? Especially when most of these movies are incredibly popular and by all accounts should be financially successful. Well turns out Hollywood has some tricks up their sleeves and, as The Producers taught us, under the right circumstances you can make more money with a flop than a hit.
Excellent episode!
Regarding book publishing, tech journalist John C. Dvorak has said that the first contract you get from a book publisher is always the dummy contract, meaning you’d have to be a dummy to sign it. So you need to go back and negotiate a decent deal.
I realize that companies want to maximize profits, but do they really have to screw people over to do it?!?