The Political Autotuning of Inflation

The politicization of inflation into a partisan “There Is No Inflation!” TM Narrative by the nudgers and mandarins on the left is really depressing.

The politicization of inflation into a partisan “Biden Inflation!” TM narrative by the clowns and raccoons on the right is really depressing.

It’s really depressing because it makes it impossible for me to say anything on inflation without getting lumped into an insane partisan box. It’s an entirely constructed and false framing of the issue, and I’m just so freakin’ weary of it.

We call this political auto-tuning. We call this a political shock collar.

It’s the go-to move of incumbents in a two-party system with high-peaked bimodal electorate preferences. THIS is why there are no successful centrist politicians. THIS is why there are no stable centrist policies. THIS is why we can’t have nice things.

THIS is why I believe that top-down societal change is impossible, but instead must emerge from the bottom-up through an authentic social movement of Make/Protect/Teach.

Watch from a distance if you like, but when you’re ready … join us.

— Ben Hunt | July 2, 2021 | 11:09 am

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  1. When objective reality–yes, inflation is real and we can observe it–becomes abstracted away into yet another political cudgel in order to score tiny, nearly-meaningless points in a brief news cycle you know for certain that all good faith is doomed.

  2. I don’t believe there is any subject of consequence that has not become politically charged.
    i suspect soon if you believe inflation exists you will be called a racist.

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