
The Epsilon Theory Podcast

I’ve appeared on 100+ podcasts and webcasts for other people, so for 2021 we’re going to join the fun! Listen to The Epsilon theory Podcast on these platforms:

Latest Episodes

Breaking News #3: ESG, Vivek Ramaswamy and The Influence of Political Entrepreneurs

August 31, 2023

Political entrepreneurs are all around us. They influence what we think. They influence how we think. But we often don’t recognize it. In this episode, we pull back the curtain on the world of political entrepreneurs. We explain who they are, what they do and why they do it. We also look at what we can all do to protect ourselves from their influence.

Cursed Knowledge #18: The Bone Wars

August 24, 2023

The Bone Wars. A decade long battle of ego between two dueling paleontologists. It’s a tale of obsession, sabotage, and academic backstabbing. This clash of titans brought new attention to the theory of evolution and helped make dinosaurs the cultural juggernauts we know them as now.

Breaking News #2: The Drumbeat of Inflation

August 17, 2023

The recession-is-coming Narrative is dead and the inflation-is-over narrative is dominant, making the Fed’s job that much harder and making resurgent inflation that much more likely.

Now about those 10-yr Treasury yields …

Cursed Knowledge #17: Frances Ethel Gumm and the Wizard of Oz

August 10, 2023

Harper and Ben finally get a chance to talk about the Wizard of Oz and the not so wonderful behind the scenes production. Of course this was par for the course in the Golden Age of Hollywood as the studio star making system controlled everything. And we do mean everything.

Breaking News #1: The Water In Which We Swim

August 3, 2023

In our kick-off episode, Ben, Matt and Jack talk about why we’re here – to break open the news reported by mainstream media to reveal the Nudging language of narrative and story that drives us.

We focus on the reporting of inflation as a perfect example of what we call Fiat News.

Cursed Knowledge #16: Women in Refrigerators

July 27, 2023

A revamped Cursed Knowledge is back! In this brand new episode, Ben joins Harper in the studio to talk about the all too common trope of killing off female characters to motivate male characters. Trust me, you’ve seen it. It’s everywhere and can tell us a lot about how hard it is to capture and maintain an audiences attention.

Cursed Knowledge #15: Sir Edmund Hillary Thinks You’re An Ass

October 28, 2022

Mt Everest is a death trap. Everything about the mountain is designed to kill you. So why are so many people going up there? Why do we ignore the very real and very dangerous narratives that are right in our face.

Cursed Knowledge #14: In Defense of Marie Antoinette

October 3, 2022

Marie Antoinette has a rather interesting historical footprint. For all that her image is iconic and her reputation infamous, it’s not all the truth. The real Marie Antoinette has been lost to the Cartoon of Marie Antoinette™. So I want to show you a glimpse at the real person behind the cartoon and take a closer look at how her cartoon got started.

Cursed Knowledge #13: Subverting Censorship

September 20, 2022

The Golden Age of Hollywood was full of drama. On and off screen. It was the age of carefully cultivated images. Fake names and secret procedures. And it was the age of censorship. The Hays Code and the censorship office had more influence on the film industry than any actor, director, or producer ever could. They had full control over what Hollywood made. Well, almost. There were still a few loopholes left to exploit.

Cursed Knowledge #12: Resurrectionists

August 24, 2022

What’s in a name? Quite a bit actually. Names and titles can be all that’s needed to make some one a hero or a villain. So we’re looking at some villains who never got their proper title. People who were able to hide behind social standing and wealth to excuse their crimes.