The Rick Rubin Of Advice: How To Have A Creative Second Act

Matt Zeigler is a Managing Director and Private Wealth Advisor with Sunpointe Investments, and he’

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  1. Avatar for Zenzei Zenzei says:

    Ziegler…yet another delightful rabbit hole you send me diving down. Love it. Had no idea who Rubin was until I read your post and now I bought the book. :zap:

  2. the crossover you are going to find between his spiritual interests and your entire musical life… awesome.

    Can’t wait to talk about this with you.

    And extra curious how many others in this group read the book, it seems like it’s everywhere I turn right now (and it is pretty cool to see).

  3. Avatar for robh robh says:

    I highly recommend “McCartney 3, 2, 1” on Hulu. The six part documentary is just Macca, Rick Rubin and a studio sound mixer. As they discuss the creation of dozens of the greatest songs ever written, Rubin (barely hiding his reverence for Paul) works the mixer isolating a bass line here and a drum kick there— “reducing” these masterpieces to their components.

  4. I learned of him because of the publicity around the book, i.e. the 60 minutes interview. I can still laugh thinking not about the killer quote but about the smile that came after it:

    This is the smile after he says “I have no technical ability. And I know nothing about music.”

    I remember it because it was funny but also because I was jealous of someone like that who can be so comfortable saying such a thing out loud.

  5. Avatar for Tanya Tanya says:

    Agreed, this was excellent!!

  6. Hulu kept showing me this title card but I didn’t realize it was him and Rick Rubin talking structure. This sounds amazing - will definitely be watching.

    Ps. in the latest Kenny Beats interview Rubin did on his podcast, there’s a part where they get into how rhythm is everything (not just the drums, but the relationship between how stuff is lined/synched up) and - possibly a few of the best minutes of discussion I’ve ever heard on this point. The reduction. Music’s subtler version of the reveal.

  7. Rubin’s interview with Andrew Huberman from around the beginning of this year is a must-listen for anyone who’s not familiar with the man.

    As far as your experience in financial services and the feeling of dread you get from selling (and selling out)…man I’ve been there. Glad you found a creative and socially useful way out of that trap, because I work with some guys who don’t mind the handcuffs so long as they’re made of gold.

  8. That was a joyous 2 hours! Learning Paul thought Yesterday had to be a song that already existed as he dreamed it and was sure he was copying prior art. I learned of Rubin from his intersection with Johnny Cash that reinvigorated Cash’s creativity and relevance very late in his career. I didn’t realize Rubin had a connection with another all-time favorite of mine Tom Petty. Most fans consider Wildflowers as Petty’s ultimate expression. With so much he and the Heartbreakers, and separately Mudcrutch and the Travelling Wilbury’s put out, that is saying something. I just ordered Rubin’s book. Thanks!

  9. This is some first rate lucid Jedi Master shit:

    “I had to forget selling mirrors and focus on offering reflections.”


  10. those handcuffs - they’re real. Just like meeting music personalities who literally sold out for the money. I’ll always be amazed by the massive pride (and ego) over being a “top producer” in financial services - and how because of the word producer the expression always made me shudder. Their labels are not your identity. Thank the gods.

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