The Epsilon Theory podcast is free for everyone to access. You can grab the mp3 file below, or you can subscribe at:
How do we change the world?
Not by corporations and political parties acting on us from the top-down, but by citizens acting for themselves from the bottom-up.
Not as an alienated flock, but as a cooperative pack.
Not with abstractions and transactions, but with making, protecting and teaching.
Let’s gooooooo!
Here’s the classic ET note referenced in the podcast, linked here and taken out from behind the paywall.
The Long Now, pt. 2 – Make, Protect, Teach
My advice? Abandon the political party as your vehicle for political participation.
My alternative? Find your Pack.
My platform? Make – Protect – Teach.
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Over the 1st few years after my injury, my wife and I were on the receiving end of hundreds, if not thousands of helping hands. Most, I never properly thanked and never even knew who they were. 22 years later, not a day goes by when I’m not thankful for their efforts, I try to pay it forward as much as possible. I’m going to wager, in time, someone will be just as grateful Harper made the effort with those mask. What’s the old saying about the definition of integrity? Doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. #ClearEyesFullHearts
“Doing the right thing when nobody’s looking.”
Well said, Carl!
Ben, You have the most beautiful and enlightening writing style. Admittedly, as someone who is free thinking and a maverick (which is one of the few ways you can behave these days and not completely lose yourself in group think), I look for people like you and tend to breathe very deeply so happy and relieved that I am not alone…It is no small thing to speak the truth in such an integral way…