Office Hours is an hour long Zoom call we have on Friday’s from 2-3pm ET. The event is exclusive to Epsilon Theory members and is a great way to hear Ben’s thoughts on markets, politics, and current events. Every Monday I post a brief recap of the previous OH. This is not a transcription of the call and doesn’t cover everything. But it does outline the main conversations we had.
Before this was posted on the ET Forum, but we’re moving it to the front page so more people can see the recap and understand the opportunities of Office Hours.
These are the major topics and ideas we discussed during the 7/08/2022 Office Hours as well as some of the biggest takeaways. If you have something you want to add to the conversation, let us know in the comments and join us next time.
Chart Topping:
Ben introduced three charts that he wanted to share with the group. The data all comes from the Fed. If you want to look at the raw numbers, google FRED (federal reserve economic data).

What do you think about the charts? Does anything stand out to you?
Worst Case Scenario:
Ben’s looking for a quick sanity check. Looking down the track at where the political and economic turmoil leads, it doesn’t look so good. He’s seeing organized political violence, even successionary efforts. He’s never been able to seriously imagine this before. So what’s the political response? When these fears become less and less theoretical, how do we, the right, or the left respond?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on these ideas and hope that you’ll join us next time. If you haven’t already, sign up to access the Forum and Office Hours.
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