Clear Eyes

Clear Eyes —The willingness and ability to see the reality present behind the veneer of narrative and stories. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose


Eisegetical — The reader imposing a meaning or interpretation on a text. Men of God in the City of Men, Part 4: Epimemetics


Epimemetic — Of or relating to large-scale changes in the dominant medium of human communication which affect how long-established memes are expressed in culture. Men…

Motte and Bailey

Motte and Bailey — Rhetorical technique common among narrative missionaries to present an aggressive proposition (Motte), retreat to a more palatable one (Bailey), then pretend…


Nudge/Nudging — From the Thaler/Sunstein book, a framing of a social issue by governments or corporations that leads to a desired political or economic response. Nudging…

Widening Gyre

Widening Gyre — From the Yeats poem, a world where political polarization and economic disparities advance uncontrollably. Things Fall Apart Pt. 1


Rhinoceros — From the Ionesco play, someone who is transformed into an unthinking brute, typically along political party lines. The Welding Shut of the American…


Narrative — The overarching ideas and stories that shape how we understand new information. The Manifesto Narrative Machine — The use of natural language processing (NLP)…


Missionary — A famous person who creates common knowledge by stating something that everyone believes everyone else heard. A Game of Sentiment When Does the Story…


Meme — The building blocks of narrative; ideas with a virus-like lifecycle. This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things Controlling Your Cartoon: Nike and…

The Long Now

The Long Now — The pulling forward of the future through debt and narrative to create a world where only the present matters. The Long…

Industrially Necessary

Industrially Necessary — The presentation of a necessary aspect of mass society as a desirable aspect of mass society. The Industrially Necessary Egg The Industrially…

Fiat News

Fiat News — The presentation of opinion as fact. Fiat Money, Fiat News The Fiat News Index


Raccoon – The scammers, con artists, hucksters, thieves and criminals who infest financial services. Too Clever by Half


Coyote — Smart people who miss the forest for the trees. They excel at the local game, but fail the larger social game. Too Clever…

Common Knowledge

Common Knowledge — Information that everyone knows that everyone knows. Sheep Logic Harvey Weinstein and the Common Knowledge Game


Cartoon — The selective (re)presentation of a selective presentation of information. Virtue Signaling…Or Why Clinton is in Trouble The Icarus Moment


BITFD — Burn. It. The. F#$k. Down. Our ET call for systemic change of society led from the bottom up. The Protection Racket pt1 Fell…