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Waiting for the Dog to Bark

Marc Rubinstein has over 25 years experience as an analyst and investor in the financials sector whi

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  1. The historical analogue for cyberwarfare is piracy. Each can be used for simple criminal ends or as an extension of foreign policy (warfare). The U.S. stopped being a victim of piracy when it re-constituted the Navy and sailed to the Barbary Coast & Algiers and started breaking their toys. Similarly, it’s long past time for the US to take the fight to the enemy in the context of cybercrime and cyberwarfare. Overspeeding Iran’s centrifuges was useful example, but come on… There are DAILY black-hat cybercrimes happening at scale and causing enormous damage. The pirates and their foreign state sponsors are literally laughing all the way to the bank. You can’t expect them to cease unless & until we change that calculus by raising the cost of violating our sovereignty.

  2. I thought this was a really good article, but it implied a question and unfortunately did not answer it. I have been watching and waiting for this dog (Cyber) to bark as well. Why has it not barked? We constantly have heard over the past 6 years about “Russian Hackers!” TM. I would have expected Russia to punch back in a similar non-kinetic way by now. Particularly the US attacks have affected the Russian finance and banking sectors the most so I would assume that’s where they would want to punch us back. I would think it would be particularly low hanging fruit in the narrative battle. So I’m really curious why this dog has not yet barked.

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