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The Zeitgeist – 4.3.2019

Every morning, we run The Narrative Machine on the past 24 hours worth of financial media to find the most on-narrative (i.e. interconnected and central) stories in financial media. It’s not a list of best articles or articles we think are most interesting … often far from it.

But for whatever reason these are articles that are representative of some sort of chord that has been struck in Narrative-world.

Data Sheet: Lessons From the Kardashians for All Kinds of Businesses [Forbes]

Kendall Jenner is NOT apologetic about promoting the Fyre Festival on Instagram for $250k, she’ll have you know.

And Fortune is NOT apologetic about promoting Kendall Jenner in DataSheet, “Fortune’s daily newsletter on the top tech news“, this article will have you know, because we can all learn valuable lessons from the Kardashians.


So naturally I headed over to Webfluential to see how much I could charge on Twitter for my social media promotes, “to make the dream of becoming a Social Influencer (and getting paid), a reality“.

The answer: $120-$145 per tweet. Not chump change!

But then I saw what @ReformedBroker could make. C’mon, Josh, get with the program!

U.S. disaster aid won’t cover crops drowned by Midwest floods [Reuters]

Just the latest blow from the other-worldly flooding in the Midwest, coupled with “trade wars are good, and easy to win” policy from the DC clown posse.

I must have missed the CNN and Fox anchors doing live shots to cover this horrific disaster.

50 Cent Or Two Cents? Rapper’s Mansion Sells At A Loss For $2.9 Million [Forbes]

Was the 52-room mansion’s sale jinxed by its infamous reputation? Maybe. Were stripper poles, gun-toting gangsta murals and the monumental cathedral atrium excessive? Yes. Was the  marbleized  mansion too customized to the rapper’s extravagant taste? Definitely.

Welcome to bucolic Farmington, Connecticut! There’s no jumping allowed from the old trestle bridges that dot this pastoral landscape, not even if your name is Curtis Jackson.

You know who gets the last laugh here? Mike Tyson’s ex, Monica Turner, who got the house in their divorce and sold it to Fiddy for $4.1 million in 2004. It’s a funny old world, innit?

Jerome Powell, John Legend to attend Dem retreat [Politico]

Wait … Chrissy Teigen is married to John Legend? How did I not know that? She’ll be addressing the caucus, too. Sadly, though, John Legend is not expected to perform.

Recode editor Kara Swisher will talk to members about the economy and its shift toward automation. John Yang of Asian Americans Advancing Justice and Fernando Garcia of the Border Network for Human Rights will speak during a session about immigration. And the leaders of major labor unions, including SEIU’s Mary Kay Henry, Lee Saunders of AFSCME and Sara Nelson from Flight Attendants – CWA, will also address members.

Oh … and Jay Powell will talk about something or another.

Closing the border with Mexico could bring the auto industry to a halt, say experts [NBC News]

Top men, Dr. Jones. Top men.

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The Daily Zeitgeist

ET Zeitgeist: Raccoons Never Sleep

By Ben Hunt | May 28, 2021 | 5 Comments

Lemonade (LMND) isn’t just an insurance company. No, no … they’re an AI Company! ™.

Plus Chamath is up to his old tricks.

I hate raccoons.

Inflation as Ad Campaign

By Ben Hunt | May 24, 2021 | 0 Comments

An ET Pack member sent me this. Anyone else come across ads that directly call out inflation expectations? Would love to collect more screenshots like…

Many People Are Saying … Bitcoin is Art

By Ben Hunt | May 24, 2021 | 0 Comments

The Bitcoin Is Art thesis that I put out back in 2015 (The Effete Rebellion of Bitcoin) and recently put forward again (In Praise of…

Danish Food-Safety Expertise for the Win

By Ben Hunt | February 10, 2021 | 27 Comments

WHO beclowns itself with its “fact-finding mission” to Wuhan.

Hammers and Nails

By Rusty Guinn | February 8, 2021 | 16 Comments

When we talk about bias, we usually think about a political bias. But the world of 2021 now supports persistent idiosyncratic biases and frames through which information is passed. How do we ensure that our information consumption habits account for this?

For Leon Black is an Honorable Man

By Ben Hunt | January 26, 2021 | 10 Comments

O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me;
My heart is in the coffin there with the American dream that once was,
And I must pause till it come back to me.

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