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Epsilon Theory Professional




ET Professional is our flagship offering for professional allocators, investors and traders. It is the only place at Epsilon Theory where we go beyond general market commentary and discuss specific securities and trade ideas, all driven by our pioneering research into the scientific study of market narratives.

Subscription Features

Narrative Trades

Weekly emails tracking trades and allocations based on our ‘narrative arb’ research and Fiat New‌s tracker.

Narrative Monitors

Monthly reports on narrative signals across risk assets, providing an uncorrelated leading indicator of risk-on / risk-off behavior.

Narrative Access

Regularly scheduled calls and updates, archive of >100 Pro-only notes, availability for presentations to board and clients.

Up to three simultaneous log-ins for a team to share ET Pro content.

30-day full-refund period on subscriptions and renewals.

Prorated credit for upgrade from ET Premium.

Includes all ET Premium subscription features.

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Order Summary

  • Your Order: Professional
  • Subscription Length: 1 year
  • Recurring: Yes
  • Content Access: Full Access

Total: $2,950

2 Payment

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